ticketing event logistics

Things You Never Knew a Ticketing Company Would or Could Do – Part 3

So far in our Things You Never Knew a Ticketing Company Would or Could Do series, you’ve learned about ticketing that changes everything in Part 1 and ticketing sales and marketing in Part 2. Now, it’s time to talk about logistics.

Anyone who has ever organized an event knows that logistics can make or break the event, but no ticketing company offers the logistical support to events that AttendStar provides! Let’s take a closer look at what that means.

Logistics that Ensure Your Event is Successful

Logistics are a critical part of your event’s success. That’s why the AttendStar team helps you with logistical services that go way beyond what a typical ticketing platform company can or would do for you.

The best part for event organizers is you pay nothing out of pocket for the logistical support (or any ticketing, marketing, or other services AttendStar provides), because all fees come out of the ticket price. Keep in mind, our fees are similar to other ticketing companies’ fees, and those companies don’t provide all of the extra services that AttendStar gives you!

When you sell tickets through AttendStar, you’ll get all of the services listed below and more:

  • Ticket buyer phone support
  • Custom phone systems
  • Traffic planning
  • Parking
  • UAS/drone and drone detection
  • Box office/kiosk services
  • Cameras
  • Onsite staffing

Yes, you read that correctly – we even offer onsite staffing! We can come to your event – for part of the event or all of it if the event is multiple days – and provide onsite support to ensure all of the logistics run smoothly. This includes ticketing, parking, traffic, ticket buyer communications, and more.

What other ticketing company offers that kind of service? None.

The reason AttendStar offers logistical support is to reduce problems so your event is successful – because if your event is successful, then we’re successful too.

For example, large events can get hundreds or thousands of calls in the days leading up to an event. Our interactive ticket buyer support phone system and dynamic phone tree that can change on the fly handles 75-80% of inbound calls automatically. If something happens on the morning of the event that you need to communicate to callers, we can update the interactive voice response (IVR) system immediately with the new information. You don’t have to worry about it because your AttendStar team will take care of it for you.

Similarly, if you see you’re getting the same question again and again on your event’s Facebook Page, we can quickly update the FAQ section of your ticket sales page to add that question and answer. Again, the goal is to be proactive, reduce problems, and act as your team, so you can get more done and hold a successful event.

READ THIS NEXT: Details about AttendStar’s Event Logistics Support

Take the Next Step and Stop Going Bananas

There are many reasons why people who work with AttendStar to sell tickets to their events are so happy and work with us again and again. Not only do we have a fantastic ticketing software platform that’s built with marketing, sales, reporting, and more features that event organizers love, but we also do things you never knew a ticketing company would or could do!

Schedule a demo tailored to your event to see the software in action and learn about how AttendStar can help you hold a successful event.
